all … long

The phrase “all … long” is used to emphasize the duration of an activity or a state throughout a specific period (like a day, night, summer, etc.). Here are some examples:

  1. “I waited for your call all day long.”
  2. “She practiced the piano all morning long.”
  3. “They played games all night long during the sleepover.”
  4. “We worked all week long to finish the project on time.”
  5. “He read books all summer long.”
  6. “The baby cried all evening long.”
  7. “She studied for her exams all weekend long.”
  8. “They traveled all month long on a cross-country road trip.”
  9. “I was stuck in traffic all hour long during the rush.”
  10. “The festival lasted all year long with various events each month.”

In each of these sentences, “all … long” is emphasizing the extent of time over which the actions or situations occurred.

all … long のバリエーション

  • day / week / month / year
  • spring / summer / winter / fall(autumn)
  • morning / night / evening /
  • trip / lecture / meeting / vacation / season / semeser

Certainly! Here are 20 examples of periods commonly used with “all … long”:

  1. all day
  2. all night
  3. all week
  4. all month
  5. all year
  6. all summer
  7. all winter
  8. all semester
  9. all morning
  10. all evening
  11. all weekend
  12. all holiday
  13. all season
  14. all quarter
  15. all spring
  16. all fall (or all autumn)
  17. all trip
  18. all vacation
  19. all lecture
  20. all meeting

