Do you happen to

「Do you happen to」は人に何かを尋ねる際に、「もしご存じであれば…」「もしお持ちであれば….」のような遠慮気味のニュアンスを付け加えます。これにより、少し丁寧なニュアンスが出ます。


“Do you happen to” is a polite and indirect way to ask if someone knows something or can do something, often when you’re not sure if they can help but are hoping they might be able to. Here are 20 examples:


「Do you happen to know」は「もしご存じであれば教えて欲しいのですが…」という気持ちを暗に示すことが多いです。

  1. “Do you happen to know the time?”
  2. “Do you happen to know if the store is open today?”
  3. “Do you happen to know how to fix this error on my computer?”
  4. “Do you happen to know the way to the nearest gas station?”
  5. “Do you happen to know a good plumber?”
  6. “Do you happen to know what time the meeting starts?”
  7. “Do you happen to know a good place to buy fresh seafood?”
  8. “Do you happen to know if there is a dress code for the event?”
  9. “Do you happen to know if they are hiring at your company?”


「Do you happen to have」は「もしお持ちなら貸して欲しいのですが…」という気持ちを暗に示すことが多いです。

  1. “Do you happen to have a pen I could borrow?”
  2. “Do you happen to have his contact details?”
  3. “Do you happen to have any idea where I left my keys?”
  4. “Do you happen to have any change for a fifty?”
  5. “Do you happen to have a spare umbrella?”
  6. “Do you happen to have any dietary restrictions I should know about for the dinner party?”
  7. “Do you happen to have experience with this type of software?”
  8. “Do you happen to have a copy of yesterday’s report?”


  1. “Do you happen to remember the name of that restaurant we went to last month?”
  2. “Do you happen to be free this weekend?”
  3. “Do you happen to be going to the town center later today?”

In each of these examples, “do you happen to” softens the question, making it sound more casual and less demanding. It’s a useful phrase for making polite inquiries.

