I’m hard up と I’m broke の違い

どちらも金欠であること表します。チャット爺によると、「I’m hard up」は一時的な金欠、「I”m broke」のほうがより深刻なお金の問題を抱えているようです。

  • You owe me $200 altogether, Bob. When are you going to pay me back? I’m sorry. I’m hard up. There you go again!
    「全部で200ドル貸してるの、ボブ。いつ返すつもりなの?」 「ごめん、金欠なんだ。」 「またなの?」
  • I begged Richie to lend me a hundred bucks, but he shook his head, saying, I’m broke, too.


“I’m hard up” and “I’m broke” are both expressions related to a lack of money, but they differ slightly in their connotations and the severity of the financial situation they imply:

  1. “I’m hard up”:
    • Connotation: This phrase suggests a temporary state of financial difficulty. It implies that the person is facing financial constraints and may be struggling to afford non-essential expenses.
    • Severity: The term “hard up” doesn’t necessarily mean completely without money, but rather in a tight financial situation. It might be used when someone can cover basic needs but has little to no disposable income for additional expenses.
    • Usage: It’s often used to convey a less severe financial situation than being completely out of money, indicating a phase of financial strain rather than absolute insolvency.
  2. “I’m broke”:
    • Connotation: This is a more straightforward expression indicating that someone has completely run out of money. It implies a more severe financial crisis where the individual is unable to afford even basic necessities or has literally no money left.
    • Severity: The term “broke” is often associated with a more urgent and serious financial situation. It’s used when someone’s financial resources are exhausted, and they are unable to meet their financial obligations or personal needs.
    • Usage: It’s a more informal term and is commonly used in casual conversation to emphasize a lack of money, often until the next paycheck or income source comes in.

In summary, while both phrases relate to financial difficulty, “I’m hard up” generally suggests a less severe situation of financial constraint, while “I’m broke” indicates a more dire financial state with little to no money available at all. The choice between the two would depend on the specific financial circumstances one wishes to communicate.

