next to

I know next to nothing about it.

It’s next to impossible


Certainly! The phrase “next to” can be used in various contexts, often implying closeness or minimalism. When used like “next to nothing,” it emphasizes a very small amount or value. Here are some examples:

  1. Literal Closeness or Proximity:
    • “She sat next to her friend at the movie theater, sharing popcorn and whispers about the film.”
    • “The quaint coffee shop is next to the bookstore, providing the perfect spot for readers to enjoy a good book with their brew.”
  2. Figurative Use (Similar to ‘next to nothing’):
    • “His chances of winning the lottery are next to impossible, but he buys a ticket every week anyway.”
    • “After the long hike, their water supply was next to empty, urging them to return quickly.”
    • “Her patience with the ongoing construction noise is next to zero; she’s considering moving out.”
  3. Comparative or Relational Use:
    • “In terms of experience, he’s next to the manager, making him the second most knowledgeable person in the department.”
    • “Next to her brilliant performance, the other presentations seemed lackluster.”

These examples show how “next to” can depict physical proximity, a minimal degree of something, or a comparison between two entities or situations.

