
put aside

I could have laid out all that money on a new PC, but on second thought I decided to put some aside for a rainy day.新しいパ...

put を使った句動詞・慣用句

句動詞 put aside put away put on put up put up with put down put out 慣用句 put into practice put an end to

give rise to

The jury's guilty verdict gave rise to widespread debate.陪審団による有罪評決が大論争の引き金となった。 チャット爺に訊いてみました。 Certainly! Here are five...

what will become of

What will become of Japan-U.S. relations if the security treaty expires?安全保障条約が期限切れになったら、日米関係はどうなるだろう? チャット爺に訊いてみました。 Su...

make much of

For years the press overlooked the problem. But now, if anything, they are making too much of it.過去数年間その問題を見過ごしていた報道機関が、...

fall behind

You've got to keep up with it. Once you fall behind, it's hard to catch up.遅れずについていかなくちゃ。一度遅れをとったら追い付くのは大変だよ。 fall behin...

fall in love with

I fell in love with Naomi at first sight. Three months later, I took a chance and proposed to her, but she turned me dow...

fall through

Without your solid support, the deal would have fallen through. I'm grateful to you.あなたの強固な支援がなかったら、その取引は成立しなかったでしょう。感謝し...

feel for

I feel for you, Jane. Grief doesn't fade away quickly. I'm OK. I'll get over it.「ジェーン、気持ちは分かるよ。悲しみはすぐに消えるものじゃない。」「大丈夫。乗り...

feel down

Whenever you're in trouble or feeling down, I'll be there for you.大変なことがあったり、落ち込んだりしたときはいつでも、私があなたのそばにいるわ。 feel down【句動-...