go ahead と after you の違い

「go ahead」と「after you」は、どちらも「お先にどうぞ」と何かを譲る時に使われるとされ、どちらも同じ意味と書かれていることも多いです。

After you. No please, you go ahead.


「go ahead」は相手が「ちょっと席を外してもいいですか?」とか「ちょっと電話に出ていいですか?」のように聞いてきたケースで、「どうぞ」と言う感じです。

一方、「after you」のほうは、列に同時に並びかけた時に相手に譲るときや、ドアを開けて通してあげるときの「どうぞ」という感じです。


“Go ahead” and “after you” are both polite expressions used in social interactions, but they serve slightly different purposes and are used in different contexts:

  1. “Go ahead”:
    • Meaning: This phrase is generally used to give someone permission or the go-ahead to start something or proceed with an action. It can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal meetings.
    • Usage: You might use “go ahead” when you’re letting someone speak in a conversation, begin eating before others, enter a doorway first, or start an activity before you. For example, if someone wants to ask a question during a meeting, you might say, “Go ahead,” to let them know they can speak.
    • Implication: It implies that the person using the phrase is in a position to grant permission or has the authority to do so, or it’s simply being used out of politeness.
  2. “After you”:
    • Meaning: This phrase is a polite gesture, indicating that you’re allowing or inviting the other person to go before you, typically in a physical sense, like entering a room, walking through a door, or lining up for something.
    • Usage: It’s commonly used in scenarios where you’re physically moving, like holding a door open for someone and saying, “After you,” to invite them to enter before you.
    • Implication: The phrase reflects courtesy and respect for the other person, and it’s a way of offering them precedence in a particular situation.

In summary, while both phrases are polite and considerate, “go ahead” is more about giving permission or encouraging someone to start something, and “after you” is about offering the precedence or priority in a physical or movement-related context.

